New Moon, New Beginnings: A Journey Back to Art

Libra New Moon

As the New Moon rises today, accompanied by a partial solar eclipse, I’m embracing the energy of new beginnings. Libra, the sign of balance, harmony, and relationships, invites us to reflect on where we need find balance in our lives and creative practice. This lunar cycle feels especially powerful, coming just after the Spring Equinox, Ostara, here in the Southern Hemisphere, a time when light and dark are equal, reminding us of the beauty in balance and transition.

Setting Intentions:

A Fresh Start

I’ve always felt a deep connection to the cycles of nature and the moon. Aligning my creative process with these cycles not only grounds me but also infuses my work with a sense of purpose and flow. Today, I’m setting my intentions for the upcoming months, focusing on creating art that speaks to the themes I’m passionate about—women’s rights, social justice, and the often-overlooked experiences of living with disability.

My Art is my Craft and My Craft is my Art—this mantra has been my guiding light. It reminds me that my practice is not just about the finished pieces but about the ongoing journey, the process of creating, reflecting, and growing. This new moon, I’m particularly inspired by the idea of balance—how to find harmony between my art and advocacy, my personal and creative life, and my inner and outer worlds.

Earlier this year, I spent nine weeks in hospital, which kept me away from my art for a significant time. The experience has profoundly impacted my life, as I’m now navigating the world in a wheelchair with limited mobility. Back home, I’ve reorganised my studio and, between physiotherapy and hydrotherapy sessions, I’m finally creating again.

Studio Update:

Exploring Balance and Harmony

In the studio, I’ve been working on my entry for the Merri-bek Summer Show. This year's theme is “(Be)Longing”.  I have been thinking a lot about visibility and how it changes over time. Without giving too much away, I’m playing around with some ghostly, layered forms to explore what it feels like to be seen—or not seen—as we get older. It’s still a work in progress, but I’m excited (and a little nervous!) to see how it all comes together.

I’m grateful to have won a spot in the yearlong Make, Create, Express workshop by Art is Magic Online This incredible program, featuring diverse lessons from talented artists worldwide, has been a lifeline, keeping me creatively engaged and inspired. I can’t wait to share my new work with you! I strongly encourage you to check out their workshops.

I'm also taking a short course inspired by Jennifer Higgie's book, The Other Side: A Journey into Women, Art and the Spirit World. I first discovered this book during my time at art school while researching women artists who incorporated spiritual themes in their work. I’m deeply intrigued by how these artists intertwined their creative processes with their beliefs and explored otherworldly dimensions in their art.

Artist of the Season: Libra

Maya Lin and the Art of Reflection

This lunar cycle, I’m inspired by Maya Lin who was born under the sign of Libra, a renowned artist and architect known for integrating art, architecture, and the environment. Her work, such as the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, redefines public spaces and commemorative art. Beyond memorials, Lin’s creations often highlight environmental issues, transforming landscapes into contemplative spaces that raise awareness. Her philosophy, “to make people aware of their surroundings,” resonates with the themes of reflection and connection I’m exploring in my own work this cycle. Learn more about Maya Lin here

Maya Lin and her cat

Maya Lin - Photo by Michael Katakis, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution

Looking Ahead:

Themes of Balance and Justice

Over the next two weeks, leading up to the Full Moon in Aries, I’ll be focusing on the concept of balance—not just in my art, but also in my advocacy work. I want to explore how these two aspects of my life intersect and support each other. How can I create art that not only expresses my personal experiences but also amplifies the voices and stories of others who are often silenced?

Embracing the Eclipse

Eclipses are known for shaking things up, bringing unexpected changes and revelations. This partial solar eclipse in Libra feels like a cosmic invitation to re-evaluate, to let go of what no longer serves, and to make space for new growth. I’m excited—and a little nervous—to see where this energy takes me. But I trust that, by staying connected to my intentions and my craft, I’ll navigate these shifts with grace and purpose.

As we move through this cycle together, I invite you to reflect on your own life. Where do you need more balance? What new beginnings are you ready to welcome? Please let me know on the Socials your reflections. Let’s embrace this Libra New Moon as an opportunity to realign, renew, and create with intention.

Seasonal Celebration:

In the Southern Hemisphere we are approaching Beltaine. However, at this time of the year many of us celebrate Samhain. I know it’s hard not to when everyone else is embracing Halloween. So as Samhain/Halloween approach, it's the perfect time to welcome the Crow into your space. My Crow Journals, featuring original Lino cut artwork, are available now on Amazon. You can also order crow-themed postcards directly via email, and framed, limited-edition prints are available for those seeking a unique piece. Order soon to ensure delivery before the end of the month!


Super Full Moon in Aries: Boldness, Release & Progress


Coming Soon! 🌙✨